Orchestrating Your Organization
The Maestro Mindset Podcast
Listen to the Maestro Mindset
Launched in 2023, Maestro Mindset (formerly “LeadUp”) is co-hosted by Rose Schooler, a former Intel Corporate VP, and Dana Bos, a seasoned expert in management and leadership development.
Dana and Rose are on a mission.
They want to share…
How a focus on high standards & results can coexist with respect, decency, and fun in the workplace.
Practical approaches for creating this type of culture within teams and organizations.
Management and leadership can be lonely and demanding. It can also be one of the most fulfilling roles you’ll ever have. Regardless of your level of management or leadership, come join the conversation at the virtual water cooler with Rose, Dana and their guests, who’ve all been there.
Join our LinkedIn group.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Suggestions for a podcast topic? Comments on an episode? Drop a line to dana@bossolutions.co.